Wednesday 4 February 2009

My other love

No running for me today...instead I cycled my 6 year old on the tag-along to school...whilst she sat back and enjoyed her music on her MP3...

Start my set of night shifts tonight...always hate the thought of working 12.5hours through the night, but have to say it is doing the best thing in the world. As a midwife I get to be awake in the wee hours as a new life enters the world (under varying conditions obviously). You get to see life at its very basic can look on in awe, you can count your blessings in sorrow, but best of all you can come away feeling like a you've made a difference every single shift!

Started a new diet in Feb....cutting right down on my alcohol consumption and eating sensibly...trying to ignore the junk food at work....have managed to dump a few pounds already. I'm not fat...but as far as my running goes, I think my body would appreciate a 10lb loss before I try running around a mountain for 26.2 miles!

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Therapy for the down hearted....

Look at own blog.... well I need somewhere to moan and rant without anyone realising what a misery guts i can be. Still its not everyday one embarks on marathon training...and for my first marathon I'm guessing Mount Snowdon was probably not the wisest of choices...but then I've never been one to set an easy challenge!

Had a sad day today for one reason or another...female hormones not helping much! So dragged my sorry ass out the door for some training in the snow...with my mobile camera....came home feeling on top of the world and like I'd done some relevant training!
How's that for a view......